Define accounting.
Accounting is a process of identifying the events of financial nature, recording them in Journal, classifying in their respective ledgers, summarising them in Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet and communicating the results to the users of such information, viz. owner's, government, creditors, investors,customers, shareholders etc.
According to the American Institute of Certified Accountants, 1941, “Accounting is an art of recording, classifying and summarising in a significant manner and in terms of money transactions and events that are, in part at least, of a financial character and interpreting the results thereof.”
Cash paid to Neha 2,000 was not posted to her account.
This is an error of ..................................
The wrong effect has been:
The correct effect should have been:
The rectification entry will be.
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Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Accountancy - Chapter . This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 2 , Question 9: Describe the role of accounting in the modern world.....
Soo plzzz tell about the 'factors which nesnecessited systematic accounting..'
can you pls also explain the role of accounting in the modern times
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Answers are pretty impressive. I would appreciate if this website becomes more compatible with some extra questions.
This is useful for my next exam .Thank you so much for sharing...