carbon-and-its-compoundWHERE cd.courseId=9 AND cd.subId=16 AND chapterSlug='carbon-and-its-compound' and status=1SELECT ex_no,page_number,question,question_no,id,chapter,solution FROM question_mgmt as q WHERE courseId='9' AND subId='16' AND chapterId='255' AND ex_no!=0 AND status=1 ORDER BY ex_no,CAST(question_no AS UNSIGNED) CBSE Class 10 Free NCERT Book Solution for Science

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Chapter 4 : Carbon and Its Compound

Carbon is a unique element that forms millions of compounds. The amount of carbon present in the earth's crust and in the atmosphere is quite meagre. The earth's crust has only 0.02%, and 0.03% in the atmosphere as CO2. In Spite of this small amount of carbon available in earth is immense each and every organic compound contains less or more carbon. Existence of carbon all over is due to its versatile property of tetra-valency through which carbon can mutually share its & four valence electrons with other elements to form Covalent bond and secondly self linking property Catenation. This chapter will make you feel interested and curious how varied Carbon compounds are formed, a functional group determines the properties of carbon compounds.

Exercise 1

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Three structural isomers are possible for pentane.

(i) Pentane

CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH3

(ii) 2 Methyl butane (Isopentane)

(iii) 2,2,dimethyl propane (Neopentane)

Exercise 2

The two main features of carbon that give rise to a large number of compounds are as follows:

(i) Catenation − It is the ability to form bonds with other atoms of carbon.

(ii) Tetravalency − Carbon has four valence electrons, carbon is capable of bonding with four other atoms.

Exercise 2

Cyclopentane is C5H10. Its electron dot structure is:

Exercise 2

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

The conversion of ethanol to ethanoic acid involves the addition of oxygen to ethanol, hence it is an oxidation reaction.

Exercise 3

Because when ethyne is burnt in air, it gives a sooty flame. This is due to incomplete combustion caused by limited supply of oxygen. However, if ethyne is burnt with oxygen, it gives a clean flame with temperature 3000°C because of complete combustion. This oxy-acetylene flame is used for welding. It is not possible to attain such a high temperature without providing oxygen. This is the reason that a mixture of ethyne and air is not used.

Exercise 4

We can experimentally distinguish between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid by reacting with carbonates and hydrogen carbonates. Acid reacts with carbonate and hydrogen carbonate to evolve CO2 gas that turns lime water milky.

Metal Carbonate/Metal Hydrogncarbonate + Carboxylic acid
                          Salt + Water + Carbon dioxide

Alcohols, on the other hand, do not react with carbonates and hydrogen carbonates.

Exercise 4

Those chemical compounds which have capability of adding oxygen to other reactant substances. Some substances such as alkaline potassium permanganate and acidified potassium dichromate are capable of adding oxygen to others. These are known as oxidising agents.

Exercise 5

Detergents are ammonium or sulphonate salts of long chain carboxylic acids. Unlike soap, they do not react with calcium and magnesium ions present in hard water to form scum. Detergent produces a good amount of lather irrespective of whether the water is hard or soft. This means that detergents can be used in both soft and hard water. Therefore, it cannot be used to check whether the water is hard or not.

Exercise 5

A soap molecule has two parts: hydrophobic head and hydrophilic tail. With the help of these, it attaches to the grease or dirt particle with the hydrophobic end of the soap molecule and forms a cluster around dirt called micelles. These micelles remain suspended as a colloid. To break these micelles (entrapping the dirt), it is necessary to agitate clothes.

Exercise 6

Exercise 6

Exercise 6

Exercise 6

Carbon can neither lose four of its electrons nor gain four electrons as both the processes require an extra amount of energy and that would make the carbon atom unstable. Therefore, it completes its octet by sharing its four valence electrons with other carbon atoms or with atoms of other elements. The bonds that are formed by sharing electrons are known as covalent bonds. In covalent bonding, both the atoms share the valence electrons.

Carbon requires 4 electrons to complete its octet, while each hydrogen atom requires one electron to complete its duplet. Also, chlorine requires an electron to complete the octet. Therefore, all of these share the electrons and as a result, carbon forms 3 bonds with hydrogen and one with chlorine.

Exercise 6

Exercise 6

A homologous series is a series of carbon compounds that have different numbers of carbon atoms but contain the same functional group.

For example, methane, ethane, propane, butane, etc. are all part of the alkane homologous series. The general formula of this series is CnH2n+2.

Methane - CH4

Ethane - CH3CH3

Propane - CH3CH2CH3

Butane - CH3­CH2CH2CH3

In a homologous series of alkane there is a difference of one carbon and 2 hydrogen unit between each successive member.

Exercise 6
Ethanol Ethanoic Acid

Ethanol is a liquid at room temperature with a pleasant odour while ethanoic acid has vinegar-like smell. The melting point of ethanoic acid is 17°C. This is below room temperature and hence, it freezes during winters.

For ex:

 CH3CH2OH + Na2CO3 → No Reaction

Ethanoic acid reacts with metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates to form salt, water, and carbon dioxide gas while ethanol does not react with them.


For ex:

 2CH3COOH + Na2CO3 → 2CH3COONa + H2O + CO2


Exercise 6

A soap is a sodium or potassium salt of long chain carboxylic acids. It has one polar end and one non-polar end. The polar end is hydrophilic in nature which is attracted towards water. The non-polar end is hydrophobic but lipophilic, i.e., it is attracted towards hydrocarbons. When soap is added to water, soap molecules arrange themselves in a cluster, the non-polar portion out of water such that the non-polar ends are in the interior of the cluster attached with dirt and the polar ends are on the surface of the cluster. Since the dirt present on clothes is oily in nature and insoluble in water, the hydrophobic ends of the clusters attach themselves to the dirt. This cluster of soap molecule formation in which the dirt is entrapped is called micelles.


Micelle formation does not occur in alcohol because the alkyl chain of soap becomes soluble in alcohol.

Exercise 6

Carbon compounds give a lot of heat and light when burnt in air. Saturated hydrocarbons burn with a clean flame and no smoke is produced. The carbon compounds, used as a fuel, have high calorific values. Therefore, carbon and its compounds are used as fuels because they for most applications.

Exercise 6

Soap does not work properly in hard water. A soap is a sodium or potassium salt of long chain carboxylic acid. Hard water contains salts of calcium and magnesium. When soap is added to hard water, sodium and potassium ions present in soap displace calcium or magnesium ions from the water molecules forming an insoluble substance called scum. A lot of soap is wasted in the process.

For example:

Sodium Stearate + Calcium chloride → Sodium chloride + Calcium Stearate (scum)

Formation of scum hinders the formation of foam, so soap is thus unable to clean in hard water.

Exercise 6

Since soap is basic in nature, it will turn red litmus blue. However, the colour of blue litmus will remain blue, because soap is sodium salt of fatty acid. It is obtained by treatment of oil with caustic soda. Sodium stearate is thus a salt of weak acid and strong base, so it is alkaline in nature.

Exercise 6

Hydrogenation is the process of addition of hydrogen to unsaturated hydrocarbons in the presence of palladium and nickel catalysts to give saturated hydrocarbons.

This reaction is applied in the hydrogenation of vegetables oils, which contain long chains of unsaturated carbons.

Exercise 6

Unsaturated hydrocarbons undergo addition reactions. As these are unsaturated hydrocarbons, C3H6 and C2H2 undergo addition reactions.

Exercise 6
  • Butter contains saturated fats. Therefore, it cannot be hydrogenated. On the other hand, oil has unsaturated fats. That is why it can be hydrogenated to saturated fats (solids).
  • Bromine water test - Cooking oil will decolourise the red colour of bromine water on shaking while butter will not.

Exercise 6

The dirt present on clothes is oily in nature and insoluble in water. Therefore, it cannot be removed by only washing with water. When soap is dissolved in water, its hydrophobic ends attach themselves to the dirt and remove it from the cloth. Then, the molecules of soap arrange themselves in micelle formation and trap the dirt at the centre of the cluster. These micelles remain suspended in the water. When flushed with excess water, the dust particles are easily rinsed away by water.