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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics covers all the questions given in the NCERT book. You can study and download these question and their solutions free from this page. These solutions are solved by our specialists at, that will assist all the students of respective boards, including CBSE, who follows NCERT; with tackling all the questions easily. We give chapter wise complete solutions for your straightforwardness.

Chapter 1 : Electric Charges and Field

In the first chapter, you will study about the electric charges, fields, and areas in which they are functional. In fact, Physics NCERT Class 12 covers almost all the electric charges types that have been found till now. Also, study the detailed discussion about the transference of electrons along an electric field, electric charges additivity, conservation, quantization, theorems and laws associated with electric charges and electric fields, Gauss; Law, etc. At the end of the lesson answer the questions from the chapter to understand how well you have understood the topic.

Chapter 2 : Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

The second chapter of Class 12 Physics introduces you to Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance. Different electric fields possess varying electrostatic potential. This chapter informs you about the electric potential and its applications, potential difference, equipotential surfaces, the electrical potential energy of charges in an electrostatic field, etc. This chapter is comprised of a number of formulae and terms associated with the electrostatic potential. There are questions related to this topic at the end of the chapter for you to work out.

Chapter 3 : Current Electricity

In the third chapter in NCERT Class 12 Physics, you will study about Current Electricity. The third chapter of Class 12 Physics consists of 15 different topics, all of which you need to study well. The chapter teaches you about the concept of electric current, the flow of electric charges in a liquid and metallic conductor. The concept of electrical resistance, V-I characteristics, The Kirchhoff’s law and its applications, Ohm’s Law, potentiometer – principle and its applications, Wheatstone bridge, and meter bridge topics. Saralstudy provides the solution of Physics Class 12 with solved questions and explained formulae to assist you in understanding the chapter.

Chapter 4 : Moving Charges and Magnetism

In the fourth chapter of Physics NCERT Class 12, you will study about the Moving Charges and Magnetism. This chapter consists of 11 different topics. In this chapter, you will learn about the magnetic force, knowledge about motion along with a magnetic field, the Biot-Savart’s Law, Ampere’s Circuital Law, Solenoid and Toroid motion, the relationship among µ0, ɛ0 and c, the concept of torque, moving coil galvanometer etc.

Chapter 5 : Magnetism and Matter

Magnetism and Matter is the fifth chapter of class 12th Physics. It consists of seven topics in total. This chapter explains you about the terms like the magnetism of earth and the property of magnetism present in various materials. You also get to learn about Magnetism and Gauss’ Law in more detail, Electrostatic Analogue, the concept of torque on a magnetic dipole; bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid, magnetic field lines, etc. SaralStudy provides you with the detailed information on all the topics so that you will not have any queries left unanswered after finishing this chapter on this site.

Chapter 6 : Electromagnetic Induction

In the sixth chapter of Physics NCERT Class 12, you get to learn about electromagnetic induction. This chapter contains a bit of the previous chapter’s information about magnetism and matter too. The chapter comprises ten topics in total, and teach you about the concept of magnetic induction, magnetic flux, inductance, eddy currents and a lot more. You will also get to learn about Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction, Fleming’s Right Hand Rule, and Lenz’s Law in this chapter.

Chapter 7 : Alternating Current

The seventh chapter of NCERT class 12 Physics has only nine topics in all. You get detailed knowledge and understanding about alternating currents and its application in resistor, LCR series circuit, peak and RMS value of alternating voltage, reactance, impedance, LC oscillations, resonance and power in AC circuits, AC generator and transformer, watt-less current, etc. At the end of the chapter, you will find exercises for you to solve.

Chapter 8 : Electromagnetic Waves

This eighth chapter in Class 12 Physics is inclusive of three different topics. All of these three topics; displacement current, electromagnetic waves, and the electromagnetic spectrum are interrelated and based on the common concept of magnetism. The chapter comprises the different electromagnetic waves which include microwaves, x-rays, radio waves and also their usage in practical life, Maxwell’s Equation, the frequency of the different electromagnetic waves and their wavelengths, etc.

Chapter 9 : Ray Optics And Optical Instruments

You will get to learn about the optical instruments in use, spherical mirrors, and their activities in reflecting as well as refracting light, mirror formula, optical fibres, thin lens formula, etc in the ninth chapter of Class 12 Physics. This chapter also teaches you about microscopes and astronomical telescopes and their magnifying powers.

Chapter 10 : Wave Optics

Moving ahead from ray optics, the tenth chapter in Physics Class 12 consists of the knowledge of wave optics and its properties. Here you will learn about the Huygens Principle and its different applications in refraction and reflection of plane waves, Polarisation and interference of light waves, Young’s experiment and the applications of wave optics, Brewster’s law, the concept of resolving power, etc.

Chapter 11 : Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter

The eleventh chapter in the Class 12 Physics NCERT book, you study about the nature of radiation and the properties. This chapter also teaches you about the photoelectric effects of light, dual nature of radiation, photoelectric equation of Einstein, the Wave Theory, Wave Nature of matters around us, Energy quantum of radiation, etc. Saralstudy provides you with the detailed reference solutions ready for you for understanding the chapters completely.

Chapter 12 : Atoms

The twelfth chapter reaches the detailed discussion about atoms, and explains about alpha-particle, Rutherford’s model of an atom, Bohr model, energy levels, hydrogen spectrum. This chapter consists of six topics. Studying this chapter makes you understand the most basic structure of our surrounding.

Chapter 13 : Nuclei

The thirteenth chapter of NCERT Physics for Class 12 teaches about the nuclei. This chapter explains about the nucleus of an atom and energy, kits size, force, atomic masses, radioactivity, radioactive particles and their properties, and radioactive decay law, isotopes, isobars, isotones, the mass-energy relation, nuclear fission, fusion, the radioactivity properties, etc. 

Chapter 14 : Semiconductor Electronics

This fourteenth and second last chapter has eleven topics and makes you aware of the differentiation between extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductors, energy bands and their  I-V characteristics, diodes, and types of diodes and their characteristics and uses of diodes, junction transistor and characteristics of a transistor and application. Here you also get knowledge about the concept of analog and digital signals, logic gates. Solving the question at the end of the chapter will tell you how well you have learned them with NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics.

Chapter 15 : Communication Systems Physics

The last chapter of the book of NCERT Physics Class 12, tell you about the communication systems and this chapter comprises of ten topics. Communication System tells you about the three basic elements of a communication system, bandwidth of signals and transmission medium, concept of wave propagation, satellite communication, propagation of electromagnetic waves, amplitude modulation. There is an exercise at the end of this chapter for the final check of your progress. With the help of Saralstudy, you can the easy learning and more accurate solutions of NCERT Physics Class 12.

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The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays. Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system (students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).

There are so many schools in the U.S. How do I decide which schools to apply to?

The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays. Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system (students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).

There are so many schools in the U.S. How do I decide which schools to apply to?

The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays. Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system (students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).

There are so many schools in the U.S. How do I decide which schools to apply to?

The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays. Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system (students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).

There are so many schools in the U.S. How do I decide which schools to apply to?

The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays. Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system (students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).