Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers Question Answers: NCERT Class 12 English - Flamingo - Poetry

Exercise 1

The tigers are the denizens of the forest and can be found only in forest and they lives very far from human settlements. They are considered as chivalric which means they are quite brave and fearless and king of the animal world. Therefore they have used denizens and chivalric for telling about the nature and attitude of tigers.


Aunt Jennifer’s hands are fluttering due to her husband’s wedding ring which means that she is not happy in her marriage life and she is old and oppressed by her husband therefore she is finding an easy task of pulling needle difficult.


This lines signifies that she was not happy in her married life and had lots of burdens of responsibilities, duties.


Poet tells that even after the death of Aunt she will carry fear of domineering husband and the burden of her marriage with her wedding ring on her finger. She had oppressed by her husband and the sadness which will continue to terrify her.


Aunt Jennifer was living with the authoritativeness of her husband which made her life very painful and sad. Therefore the poet used ordeals.

The poet used ringed which signifies that she is wearing her husband’s wedding ring and is very oppressed by her husband and the burden of the duties, responsibilities of her marriage.


Aunt Jennifer was full of fear and was timid but she created an opposite world of freedom and fearless tigers to express her suffering from freedom, and wants a medium of escape from her marriage.

Through this contrast the poet rises the situation of the women who has sinked in the duties and responsibilities of their family and completely lost their identity and individuality and lost their dreams.


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Yes, the character of Aunt Jennifer got the sympathy of the reader. The speaker shows that after her death she would be still terrified of her husband and the ordeals or sadness or pain of her oppressed marriage life with a suppressed desire to be free and fell freedom.