Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Question Answers: NCERT Class 9 Social Science - Contemporary India

Exercise 1


(i) All the plants and animals in an geographical area are interdependent on each other. The plants and animals when interacts with their physical environment makes the ecosystem.

(ii) factors responsible for the distribution of plants and animal in india are:       

(a) Relief: land and soil
(b) Climate: temperature, humidity, photoperiod and precipitation.

(iii) Biosphere reserves are the large areas where vegetation, wildlife and the environment are conserved to preserve the biological diversity. In total, there are 14 biosphere reserves present in India. For e.g. sunderbans in west Bengal and Nanda devi biosphere reserve in Uttarakhand.

(iv) tropical animals: tiger, elephant montane animals: snow leopard, spotted dear.


The different types of vegetation found in India are following:
(i) Tropical evergreen forests
(ii) Tropical deciduous forests
(iii) Tropical thorn forests and scrubs
(iv) Montane forests
(v) Mangrove forests

Alpine vegetation is found at places over the height of 3600 m. The trees common to these are following like: silver fir, junipers, pine and birches. The trees got stunted by reaching the snow line. There are shrubs and scrubs that ultimately merge into alpine grasslands.


Few species of plants and animal are endangerd in India because of following reasons:
. increase in population.
. Urbanization and industrialization.
. Large scale deforestation.
. Polluton
. Hunting for pleasure and commercial purpose etc.


India has a rich heritage of flora and fauna due to following reasons:

(i) India is a diverse country with different features like mountains, plateaus, plains, etc. with different type of vegetations that are found in these regions and the vegetations support different type of animals.

(ii) Availability of various types of soil providing base for different type of vegetations.

(iii) Variations in the climatic conditions climate of India differs from north to south and east to west. Thus, supporting large variety of flora and fauna.

(iv) India has a monsoon type climate where rainfall ranges from 20 cms to 300 cms which is distributed throughout the year supporting large amount of flora and fauna.