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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science covers all the questions given in the NCERT book. You can study and download these question and their solutions free from this page. These solutions are solved by our specialists at, that will assist all the students of respective boards, including CBSE, who follows NCERT; with tackling all the questions easily. We give chapter wise complete solutions for your straightforwardness.

Chapter 1 : Chemical reaction and Equation

Taj Mahal 7th Wonders of the world made of white marbles but gradually as the time passes it colour changes to pale yellow due to chemical reactions, that took place with atmospheric gases and pollution. You have also noticed metal like copper, silver, aluminium get tarnished with time all  these are the example of chemical reactions. You will come across many such examples in our daily life such as curdling of milk, rusting of iron and more. When a chemical reaction takes place we observe certain changes in  state, colour, temperature and evolution of gas occurs . This chapter explain all facts  of chemical reaction  with various examples  i.e. combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, oxidation , reduction and  also covers the oxidation of metal and food.

Chapter 2 : Acids, Bases and Salts

We heard that acid is explosive and causes severe burns when it comes in contact to our body. Nevertheless you will be surprised to know a highly acidic gastric juice is produced by our stomach yet our stomach did not get harmed by that acid. How come it be possible? In the previous class you have studied about acid and bases. Acids are sour in taste and bases are bitter in taste. By tasting we cannot determine acid or bases because they may be very hazardous. In this chapter we will come to know about the indicator that distinguish between acid and base. Types of acids and base, when they react with each other they form salt such reaction is known as neutralization reaction  resulting in production of salt. Salt can be acidic, alkaline and neutral. Here in this chapter we will focus on different types salt and their uses.

Chapter 3 : Metals and Non-Metals

Elements are the substance that cannot be broken down into simpler ones. There are 118 elements known in the current period that display a definite set of physical and chemical properties. On this basis element are categorised into metals, non-metals and metalloids. In your previous class you  had studied about physical and chemical properties of metals and non-metal this chapter we study in more elaborate  manner that explains about features of metals and nonmetals  with their exception. Here you will also understand about the reactive nature of metals why potassium sodium is highly reactive whereas gold, platinum is least reactive formation of compound i.e. ionic compound. Extraction of metal from their ores different metals are extracted from various methods like roasting and calcination and electrorefining of metals.

Chapter 4 : Carbon and Its Compound

Carbon is a unique element that forms millions of compounds. The amount of carbon present in the earth's crust and in the atmosphere is quite meagre. The earth's crust has only 0.02%, and 0.03% in the atmosphere as CO2. In Spite of this small amount of carbon available in earth is immense each and every organic compound contains less or more carbon. Existence of carbon all over is due to its versatile property of tetra-valency through which carbon can mutually share its & four valence electrons with other elements to form Covalent bond and secondly self linking property Catenation. This chapter will make you feel interested and curious how varied Carbon compounds are formed, a functional group determines the properties of carbon compounds.

Chapter 5 : Periodic Classification of Element

Till now 118 elements are known with a well known classified group and period in modern periodic table. It sounds we easy to us only 118 elements are yet discovered but many more to come. During the 18th century only 30 elements were known with different physical & chemical properties and it is difficult to study. Therefore these elements are classified into round & period and later during the 19th century more elements are discovered and they are arranged according similarities and dissimilarities in much time and effort of a chemist are required to finally develop the most appropriate classification of element. This chapter is all about the brief historical development of classification of elements with their merits and demerits.

Chapter 6 : Life Processes

Fascinating living creatures as small as microbe to well developed mammals perform almost the same physiological function but in varied form. We all have studied plants are autotrophs, the main energy source for all the animals directly or indirectly. It also maintains the CO2, H2O   constituent in atmosphere and many more benefits to be explained. In this chapter we will cover all the physiological functions like Nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion in plants and animals. We will come to know about the structure of leaf, stomata, nutrition in amoeba and human structure of the heart, respiratory and excretory system. I am sure you will be aware and get knowledge about the functioning of different organs in the body with coordination and efficiency.

Chapter 7 : Control and Coordination

Unity gives us strength and work can be efficiently done. Have you ever thought about how various organs work in a synchronised way. Whether they are plants, microbes or animals all these organisms have evolved various ways of regulating metabolic activities. In this chapter we will come to know how the nervous system and endocrine system control and coordinate various vital functions. In the plant nervous systems are absent all the physiological functions are controlled through phytohormone. We will also come across the structure of the brain and their functions and hormonal feedback mechanism and their functions.

Chapter 8 : How do Organism Reproduce?

Organisms have life spans so continue their species they reproduce i.e. give birth to young one. Dogs give birth to puppies, cats give birth to kittens and many more. Organisms adapted various ways of multiplying themself. In this chapter we will study about reproduction and its type in plants and animals. Asexual reproduction occurs in lower invertebrate and in plant it is known as vegetative propagation. Where as sexual reproduction occurs in plants and animals, Flower involved in sexual reproduction, we will understand pollination is accomplished leading to fertilisation and study of reproduction in human, structure of male and female reproductive system, sexually transmitted disease and study about reproductive health infertility is the major area of concern. In this modern era in-vitro fertilisation technique is one of the best way to overcome infertility.

Chapter 9 : Heredity and Evolution

Children too many extent resembles their parent this is because chromosome contains genetic information that transfer from parents to their offspring. Genes are the unit of heredity that code for a particular character. Gene is present in DNA. DNA replicates and gets doubled while cell division. DNA gets distributed in each cell. This is how the genetic information is inherited. On the basis of evolutionary relationship between the organism can be estimated. Evolution is slow and gradual change leading to formation of new species. Evolution can be best explained by The Theory of Natural Selection proposed by Charles Darwin. In this chapter we come to know about the inheritance law proposed by Gregore Mendel and Evolution.

Chapter 10 : Light - Reflection and Refraction

We all are familiar with word light. Light produces us the sensation of sight. During day time, sunlight falls on the objects get reflected and we are able to see the object. But at night we cannot see the object and cannot identify the colour, while lighting the bulb we are able to see the object. You have seen shadow of our own and others because light travels along a straight path. In this chapter we will understand the characteristics of light, reflection, refraction and diffraction of light, formation of an image on a plane mirror, spherical mirror & lense and their application in real life.

Chapter 11 : The Human Eye and the Colourful World

Eye is the most delicate external organ. It is the most valuable and sensitive sense organ which enables us to see the beauty of a colourful world. In the previous chapter we have studied about the phenomenon of reflection and refraction of light. Human eye has a convex lens that refracts the light and image is formed on the retina. In this chapter we shall study the structure and function of the human eye. Defect of vision and their correction using spectacles. We will also study natural phenomenon, splitting of white light, scattering of light, formation of rainbow, why the sky appears blue and many more.

Chapter 12 : Electricity

Electricity is a form of energy that revolutionized the human lifestyle, today life is totally dependent on electric appliances. Electricity even has great advantages as its efficiency, easily transmitted, cleanness. Use of electricity is growing very fast with substitute of natural resources. In this chapter we shall study the basic concept of electricity, electric charge and its properties, conductor and insulator, electric potential, ohm's law, resistance and heating effect of current and its applications.

Chapter 13 : Magnetic effects of Electric Current

Electricity and magnetism were discovered independently but both are closely related. Magnets are commonly used nowadays in preparing floppies, credit cards, ATM, toys etc. In the field of medicine magnetic device i.e. Magnetic resonance imaging scanners are used to diagnose the patients. In this chapter we will study about magnets, its type, magnetic field, magnetic field line, electromagnet, electric motor, electric generator and many more.

Chapter 14 : Sources of Energy

Sun is the ultimate source of energy. Sun is important for the sustainability of this living world. Nowadays in this modern era each and every activity is dependent on energy sources. Combustion of Coal and Petroleum increases and due to various hazardous activities causing increase in pollution so to overcome, this non traditional source of energy is used like solar energy for production of electricity. In this chapter we will discuss various forms of energy, their use on a daily basis.

Chapter 15 : Our Environment

Two components of the ecosystem are biotic and abiotic; components whose interaction maintain ecological balance so life sustain life on earth. In this chapter we will study food chain the unidirectional flow of energy when one organism is eaten by other. Internetwork of food chain form food web; Trophic level always ten percent flow of energy occurs in each step of trophic level the remaining energy is lost in form of heat and returned back to the environment. We will also cover ozone depletion and management of garbage.

Chapter 16 : Sustainable Management of Natural Resource

The previous chapter we study about our environment but in this chapter we will study to maintain our natural resources so as to avail for future generations. We will know about stakeholder how we can sustainable management of wildlife and study the case of different warriors, those who motivate and initiate environmental protection act like chipko movement and others. Many more areas of concern are water management like dams, Rain water harvesting method, various traditional ways of water reservoirs. Most important chapter that makes awareness about conservation of natural resources for our future generation.

There are so many schools in the U.S. How do I decide which schools to apply to?

The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays. Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system (students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).

There are so many schools in the U.S. How do I decide which schools to apply to?

The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays. Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system (students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).

There are so many schools in the U.S. How do I decide which schools to apply to?

The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays. Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system (students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).

There are so many schools in the U.S. How do I decide which schools to apply to?

The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays. Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system (students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).

There are so many schools in the U.S. How do I decide which schools to apply to?

The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays. Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system (students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).