Major Domains of the Earth Question Answers: NCERT Class 6 Social Science - The Earth Our Habitat

Exercise 1

(a) The four major domains of the Earth are:

  1. Lithosphere: the solid portion of the earth.
  2. Atmosphere: The airy portion of the earth.
  3. Hydrosphere: Water portion of the earth.
  4. Biosphere: The zone of contact between the land, air and water.

(b) The seven major continents of the Earth are:

  1. Asia
  2. Europe
  3. North America
  4. South America
  5. Africa
  6. Australia
  7. Antarctica

(c) The two continents that lie entirely in the Southern Hemisphere are:

  1. Australia
  2. Antarctica

(d) The different layers of atmosphere are:

  1. Troposphere
  2. Stratosphere
  3. Mesosphere
  4. Thermosphere
  5. Exosphere

(e) The Earth is called ‘Blue Planet’ because 71% of the Earth is covered with water and looks blue as seen from the outer space.

(f) The Northern Hemisphere is called the land Hemisphere because:

  1. Greater part of the landmass lies in the Northern Hemisphere. It is more than 70% of the total area.
  2. Waterbodies area is smaller in this hemisphere. It is only 30% of the total area.

(g) Importance of the Biosphere are as follows:

  1. It is in this zone where life exists.
  2. There are several species of organisms that vary in size from microbes and bacteria to huge mammals.
  3. All the living organisms are linked to each other and to the biosphere for the survival.


(a) (iii)The Urals

They are spread across western Russia and separates Asia from Europe.

(b) (i) An Isthmus

The Isthmus of Panama links North America to South America and it also separates specific portion from Atlantic Ocean.

(c) (i) Nitrogen

Major constituent of the earth’s atmosphere is 78% and after that oxygen is present, which is 21% of atmosphere.

(d) (iii) The Lithosphere

The domain of earth which contains solid portion is the Lithosphere.

(e) (ii) Asia

It is the largest continent of the world. 30% of land surface is occupied by Asia.


(a) Mariana Trench

Mariana Trench is the deepest point on the earth. It is 11034 m deep.

(b) Indian

Indian Ocean is the only ocean which is named after a country, India.

(c) Biosphere

Biosphere is the narrow zone of contact between land (lithosphere), air (atmosphere) and water (hydrosphere). It is the zone where life exists.

(d) Eurasia

Eurasia is the Europe and Asia together. It is the largest continental area of the earth.

(e) Mount Everest

Mount Everest is the highest peak on the earth. It is 8849 meters high.