Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Of Class 6 Science
Chapter 1 : Food: Where Does It Come From?
- As like people, there is a lot of different kind of food which is taken or eaten in different regions of India.
- The main source of food are plants and animals.
- Generally we eat plant parts like root, fruits, seeds etc.
- On the basis of feeding habits, animals are classified into three categories:
- Herbivore: The animals which feeds only green plants are known as herbivores. For example: cow, squirrel etc.
- Carnivore: The animals which eat flesh of other animals are called carnivore. For example: Lion, Tiger etc. and they are the top carnivores.
- Omnivore: The animals which eat plants as well as the flesh of other animals are called omnivore. For example: Dogs, cats etc.
Chapter 2 : Components of Food
- The main source of food are plants and animals.
- Different kind of food contains different components needed by our body and these components are known as nutrients.
- The major nutrients are carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals, dietary fibers and water that is present in our body.
- A diet which contains all the essential nutrients in an appropriate amount is known as balanced diet.
- Excess intake of fat causes obesity.
- The nutrients when taken in excess then they can destroy our body posture.
- Deficiency of these nutrients may cause our body weak and feeble. It may cause a number of diseases.
- Vitamins helps us to protect our body from the diseases. Vitamins are of many types like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E etc.
- Deficiency of vitamins may cause loss of vision, Beri- Beri, scurvy, rickets and other diseases that may affect the reproductive health.
- Calcium, phosphorus, iodine are the minerals which makes our teeth, bones and muscles strong.
Chapter 3 : Fibre to Fabric
- As like in food, there is a lot of variety in clothing material like nylon, silk, wool, cotton, polyester, jute etc.
- The fibres that we obtain from plants and animals are called natural fibres like cotton, jute, silk, wool etc.
- Man- made fibres are called synthetic fibres like nylon, polyester, acrylic etc.
- The process of making yarn from fibres is called spinning and is done by machines.
- Weaving is the process in which two sets of yarn are arranged together to make a fabric.
- Socks, sweater are made by knitting process.

Chapter 4 : Sorting Materials into Groups
- A number of objects around us which are made up of different kind of materials.
- Some of the objects are hard and some are soft.
- Metals are generally shiny in appearance and have luster whereas non- metals and other objects are dull in appearance.
- On the basis of solubility materials are divided into two categories: Soluble and Insoluble.
- The objects from which the lights can pass, they are known as transparent objects like air, water.
- Those objects from which the lights can pass but we cannot see clearly through them. Those types of objects are known as translucent objects like smoke, wax paper etc.
- Those objects from which the lights cannot pass through it, are called opaque objects like wood, metal, stone etc.
Chapter 5 : Separation of Substances
- In our daily life we use a different kind of materials.
- Different substances used by us, some are in pure form as some are in solution form or we can say in a mixture form.
- To separate the substances from other we use a number of separation techniques or methods,
- Handpicking method is used to separate large impurities from the required substance. For example: stones from pulses or grains.
- Threshing is used to separate grains from the stalks of the plants.
- Winnowing is a method of separation which is used for separating the lighter impurities from the heavier material. For example: dirt, dust from the grains.
- Sieving, sedimentation, decantation, filtration and evaporation are some other methods of separation.
- When no more amount of solute is added to the solution than the solution is said to be saturated.
Chapter 6 : Changes Around Us
- A lot of changes occurs in our environment day by day.
- The changes which we can reverse, are called reversible changes. For example: burning of candle can be reversed by heating the wax again.
- The changes which we cannot reverse, are called irreversible changes. For example: milk to curd, cutting of trees.
- By heating, we can change the shape of the object. On heating expansion occurs.
- By cooling, the size of the object or metal contracts.
- The points at which any object starts to melt called its melting point.
Chapter 7 : Getting to Know Plants
- As we see, there are different kind of plants around us. Some are short, bushy and some are larger and branched.
- Generally plants are categorized into three types: herbs, shrubs and trees.
- Some are climbers and creepers which take support from other and climbs up and spreads on the ground level respectively.
- Leaf have petiole, lamina, veins and a midrib.
- Plants loose or releases a lot of water by a process called transpiration.
- Plants make their food themselves in the presence of sunlight by using carbon dioxide and water from the environment by a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is done by green leaves.
- Roots are of two types: tap root, lateral roots and fibrous roots.
- Flower consists of various parts: sepals, petals, stamen, pistil etc.
- Inside the stamen two parts are present anther and filament.
- Pistil have three parts: stigma, style and ovary.
- Ovary contains ovule.
Chapter 8 : Body Movements
- We can walk, fly, jump, run and can do every possible activity with the help of our body movements.
- Body movements are of different types, it may be rotatory, circulatory, oscillatory etc.
- With the help of bones and muscles our body can move.
- Where two bones are connected at a point, is called joint.
- Our shoulder can move in any direction because of the presence of ball and socket points which allows movement of shoulder in all directions.
- Pivot joint is present in our neck due to which our neck can move from left to right or can move in forward and backward direction.
- Hinge joint is allows movement of body parts only in one direction. It is present in elbow and knee.
- Fixed joints are present in skull which cannot move like upper jaw bone; lower jaw bone is exception because it is movable.
- A framework of bone called skeleton which gives shape to our body.
- Wrist is flexible because it is made up number of small bones of carpel.
- Chest bone and backbone together form a rib cage which protects the delicate organ like heart in the chest.
- Cartilage is hard but not much hard as compare to the bones. Cartilage is present in our ear and nose.
- Muscles helps in the movement of bones by contraction or relaxation.
- Earthworm secretes a slimy substance which helps in the movement.
- Snail shows very slow movement because movement is done by the muscular feet.
Chapter 9 : The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
- Different kind of plant and animals living in a different kind of habitat.
- Human and animals collectively known as organisms.
- According to their habits and surrounding environment, an organism lives in a specific habitat.
- The place where organism live called its habitat.
- The plants and animals which lives on land called terrestrial habitat and those who lives in water are called aquatic habitat.
- All the living and non- living things in the environment is known as biotic and abiotic components respectively.
- All the living things or we can say organisms shows some properties like growth, respiration, reproduction, respond to stimuli, communication and shows movement.
- When an organism change its habit or adapt itself according to the surrounding environment is known as adaptation.
Chapter 10 : Motion and Measurement of Distances
- Movement of object or any living thing from one place to another with the help of transport is known as transportation.
- There are different mode of transport like bus, bicycle, aero-plane, ship, bullock cart etc.
- A known quantity which is fixed us called as unit.
- In earlier times, we use foot length, hand span for the measurement.
- In 1790, standard unit of measurement is created by French, called metric system and it is followed all over the world.
- We can measure correctly with the help of a scale.
- A change in the position of the object or anything called motion. Example: moving bicycle etc.
- Motion are of different types: Rotatory motion, Oscillatory motion, rectilinear motion, Circular motion etc.
- Meter is the SI unit of length.
Chapter 11 : Light, Shadows and Reflections
- Objects around us are of different types.
- Some are opaque, transparent, translucent, luminous, non- luminous around us.
- The objects which emits light are called as luminous whereas, which does not emit light are known as non- luminous objects.
- The object in which the light can pass easily called as transparent whereas the objects from which lights can pass easily but we cannot see clearly are known as translucent objects.
- The objects through which lights cannot pass are called as opaque objects.
- When an object comes in the path of light then the dark structure is formed, called as shadow.
- Reflection may be defined as, when an objects send light back to its path, then an image is formed is known as reflection. For example: image in the mirror, shadow in water etc.
- Bright objects or images can be seen by a pinhole camera. It is made up of cardboard simply.
- Light travels in the straight line, that’s why when any object comes in its path, it makes shadow.
Chapter 12 : Electricity and Circuits
- Electricity is the source of light.
- An electric cell is made up of two terminal: one is positive (+) and the other one is negative (-).
- The cell which converts chemical energy to electric energy is known as electric cell.
- An electric bulb glows due to the flow of electric current which produces electricity.
- An electric bulb is made up of two parts: a thin wire made up of filaments and a pair of thick wires called terminal.
- An electric bulb glows when it is connected to the electric cell.
- When the path of electricity is complete, known as electric circuit.
- The objects through which the electricity can pass easily called conductors.
- The objects through which electricity cannot pass called insulators.
- A device which is used to complete or break the electricity called switch.
Chapter 13 : Fun with Magnets
- Magnet is the material or object which attracts iron towards it.
- The material which are attracted towards magnet called magnetic. For example: iron, cobalt etc.
- The material which are not attracted towards magnet called non-magnetic. For example: plastic, non- metals etc.
- Magnets have two poles: one is North pole and other one is South pole.
- Opposite poles of magnets attracts each other and same poles repel each other.
- A magnet can be formed easily by rubbing iron pieces to a magnet. Then the iron pieces becomes a magnet by repeating the process of rubbing.
- Compass is a device which helps to find the direction and it shows all the directions.
- Magnet lose their property if it is heated or broken.
Chapter 14 : Water
- Water is the basic need of a living being.
- In our daily life there is a lot of uses of water like cooking, drinking, bathing, washing etc.
- Our earth is covered with water that’s why it seems blue.
- The main source of water are river, pond, lake, hand pump, tube well, well etc.
- At higher temperature, in summer water evaporates easily.
- In summer, the process of transpiration is higher in plants.
- When water evaporates comes in contact of cool environment, it condenses; this process is known as condensation.
- When water vapours comes in the contact of environment and as it goes higher, it becomes cool and converts into the tine droplets. Then those droplets comes back to the earth in the form of rain.
- Excess of rainfall may lead to flood.
- When there is no rain for a long period of time, then it may lead to drought.
- Water is essential for living beings, so we have to use this carefully.
- Save water, save life.
Chapter 15 : Air Around Us
- Air is found everywhere on the Earth and is essential part of our life.
- Air the mixture of gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and many other gases present in the small quantities.
- Birds can fly due to the presence of air.
- We can feel air but we cannot see it.
- As we go higher to the mountains or the higher altitudes, we need oxygen cylinders because as we go on the high altitudes, the level of oxygen decreases.
- The things surrounding us i.e. living and non- living together makes an environment.
- Air is necessary for the process of burning also.
- Carbon dioxide is released on burning which accumulates suffocation.
- Plants inhale and animals exhales carbon dioxide during the process of respiration.
- Oxygen is colorless, odorless and is necessary for living organisms for the process of respiration.
- Nitrogen gas formed the major part of the air, it does not supports burning.
- With the help of air, windmill rotates, it is used to draw water from the tube wells to generate electricity.
Chapter 16 : Garbage In, Garbage Out
- The unused or waste material called garbage.
- Garbage is of different kinds like household waste, factory waste, industrial waste etc.
- Landfill is the area where all the garbage is collected.
- Prime minister launched Swach Bharat Mission (SBM) in India, 2 October 2019.
- Garbage is of two types: biodegradable and non- biodegradable.
- The waste which can be decomposed by microorganisms are called biodegradable.
- The waste which cannot be decomposed by microorganisms are called non-biodegradable.
- Vermicomposting is the method of preparing compost with the help of earthworms.
- Plastic is a non- biodegradable waste, microorganisms cannot decompose it. So, we should avoid the use of plastic.
- Paper made by cutting the trees. So we should avoid to waste the paper and it can be recycled.