Kari's pavilion was build that in such a way so that it couldn't falled in when kari bumped against the poles as he moved about.
The answer is yes, because he would squedd with pleasure as water was rubbed down his back.
Because his friend had to climbed all types of trees there to get the most delicate and tender twigs. So one had to be very sharp hatchet to cut these twigs that took almost half an hour to sharp it.
Kari pushed his friend into the stream because that boy was lying flat on the river's bottom. Kari wanted his friends to save the life of that boy. So, he pushed his friends into the stream.
Kari was like a baby because he has trained to be good just like a baby. He had to be taught when to sit down, when to walk, when to go slow and when to go fast etc. When he was naughty he required to be scolded and if not he would do more mischiefs.
Kari used his trunk for stealing the bananas from the table that is near the window in the dining-room. He would put his trunk through the window in the dining-room and disappeared with the bananas without anyone observing it.
When his friend pulled his car and said Dhat Kari sat down and pulled his trunk forward and said Mali kari walked.
Master call is a strange hissing and houling sound like a snake and a tiger fight with each other. It is the most important signal or a call for an elephant whenever the master was in trouble, one master call can being the elephant near to him and help him to drag out of danger.