I Want Something in a Cage Question Answers: NCERT Class 7 English - An Alien Hand

Exercise 1


Mr Purcell compare that to an owl because his eyes were magnified by the large gloves that gives him the appearance of a wise and genial owl.


(i) Whispered, twitter, squeal, cheeps.

(ii) Stir, rustling, scampered.

(iii) Bewildered, blindly seeking.



(i) This line describes the chirping, squeaking, mewing of the birds and animals in the shop of Mr Purcells.

(ii) Mr Purcell doesn'tt hear it audibly because it was not unusual sound for him.

Exercise 2

The atmosphere of Mr Purcell's shop was very depressing because of a consistant stir of movement that permeated his shop and the animals and birds were making a lot of noise as they were restless. It seemed as through they were not happy in their cages.


The stranger was a strange man who was wearing shiny shoes and cheap ill- fitted but with a new suit. He has a shuttling glance and close his cropped hair. He wanted something else small in a cage with the wings.


(i) The answer is no, the man didn't insisted on buying the doves because he was very fond of birds. He did not ask directly for the birds, instead of that, he said that he wanted a creature with wings in a cage. This tells us that he had sympathy for the birds and wanted to see them fly.

(ii) He had earned those five dollars by doing hard working labour in jail.


The customer was not so much interested in the care and feeding of the doves. He had brought the doves because he just wanted to released them.

Exercise 3

In my opinion, the man must have set the dove free because he himself had been remained close in jail for ten years. He had sympathy for birds and knew the pain of being imprisoned against their desires. He want to see them flying and enjoy their freedom that's why he bought something with the wings. He wanted to taste the happiness of freedom from cages by setting the dove free.


Mr Purcell felt vaguely insulted as the customer bought from Purcells shop for about five dollars and then went outside to set them free. It was Mr Purcell who kept these birds in a cage and constricted their freedom and the man spent his income of ten years only to give the doves freedom. So, he felt all the more insulted.