Question: List any four characters that are employed in human population census.
There are several characteristics that are used in the human population census:
- Natality: This is also known as the birth rate of the individuals in the population. It is defined as the number of individuals produced per female per unit time (at specific interval of time).
- Mortality: This is also known as the death rate of the individuals in the population. It is defined as the number of individuals died during a given period.
- Age structure and age pyramid: Different age groups are present in the population. Then age structure is defined as the relative numbers of young and old individuals in a population which influences the behaviour of birth and death rate; so this relative proportion of individuals in each different age group is age structure. And, an age pyramid is a graphical representation which shows the number and the proportion of the individuals that belongs to various age classes in a population of an individual at the given time.
- Dispersion: It is defined as the spatial or temporal distribution pattern of the individuals of a population within the boundaries of the population. It is divided into three major patters: Regular (even distribution), Random (unrelated or scattered distribution) and Clumped (aggregated or contagious distribution).