Urban Administration Question Answers: NCERT Class 6 Social Science - Social and Political Life

Exercise 1

Yasmin Khala was retired from Municipal Corporation. While playing, the children broke the street light & they thought that they have to give money to replace the damage light. So, they went to Yasmin Khala’s house to know that to whom they have to give money and who is responsible to replace the damaged street light.


Work of Municipal Corporation that affects the life of city dweller are:

1. The Municipal Corporation takes care of street lights, garbage collection and water supply.
2. It makes sure that streets and markets are clean. It makes garden and maintain them.
3. It runs school, hospitals and dispensaries.
4. It is also responsible for ensuring that diseases do not break out in the city.


The Municipal Corporation is made up of wards committee. Each ward has one seat in this ward committee and members are elected to this on the basis of UAF (Universal Adult Franchise) and on basis of 5 years.


Gangabai collected group of women and went to the Municipal commissioner’s office along with ward councilor to protest against garbage dumps all over the street. As the garbage is spread all over; it attracts rats, flies and dogs. So due to this, people were getting ill who were living around that area. Then, the Gangabai approached the ward councilor.


Municipal Corporation earns the money to do its work by collecting several types of taxes like:

1. Property tax
2. Taxes for water and other services
3. Taxes for education
4. Taxes for entertainment


(a) I think the 2 nd photo is the correct way of disposing garbage and also provides safety to the person.

(b) The picture one shows the wrong way of collecting garbage because we can see that the garbage is thrown in the land and animals are sitting there which can cause harness to those and as well as to the workers who are working there. The garbage would might contain plastics, harmful chemicals and as well as poisons. And if these are eaten by animals, it would have spread the diseases, infection and can kill them.

(c) The facilities are not available to the workers of the municipalities because there are not proper arrangements and the workers are also less aware of health and hygiene.