thermodynamicsWHERE cd.courseId=2 AND cd.subId=9 AND chapterSlug='thermodynamics' and status=1SELECT ex_no,page_number,question,question_no,id,chapter,solution FROM question_mgmt as q WHERE courseId='2' AND subId='9' AND chapterId='47' AND ex_no!=0 AND status=1 ORDER BY ex_no,CAST(question_no AS UNSIGNED) CBSE Class 11 Free NCERT Book Solution for Chemistry

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Chapter 6 : Thermodynamics

This chapter explains the terms - system and surroundings. It also helps in discriminating between close, open and isolated systems. It also gives explanation about internal energy, work and heat. It also states first law of thermodynamics and express it mathematically. Calculation of energy changes as work and heat contributions in chemical systems are also carried out. It also explains state functions - U, H along with their correlation and experimental measures. Calculation of enthalpy changes for various types of reactions can also be carried out. It also states Hess's law of constant heat summation along with its application. It also helps in differentiating between extensive and intensive properties. Definition of spontaneous and non -spontaneous processes are also given. Explanation of entropy as a thermodynamic state function and its application for spontaneity is also given. It also explains Gibbs energy change and establishes relationship between Gibbs energy change and spontaneity.    

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

In thermodynamics, function of state, state quantity, or state variable is a property of a system that depends only on the current state of the system, not on the way in which the system acquired that state. A state function describes the equilibrium state of a system. A thermodynamic state function is a quantity whose value is independent of a path.

Functions like pVT etc. depend only on the state of a system and not on the path.

Hence, alternative (ii) is correct.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

An adiabatic process is one that occurs without transfer of heat or matter between a system and its surroundings & it helps in explaining first law of thermodynamics

Hence, under adiabatic conditions, q = 0.

Therefore, alternative (iii) is correct.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

According to the question,

Thus, the desired equation is the one that represents the formation of CH4(g) i.e.,

[-393.5 + 2(-285.8) - (-890.3)] kJ Mol-1

= -74.8 kJ Mol-1

So,Enthalpy of formation of CH4(g) is -74.8 kJ Mol-1

That means answer is (i).

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

For a reaction to be spontaneous, ΔG should be negative.


According to the question, for the given reaction,

ΔS = positive

ΔH= negative (since heat is evolved)

⇒ ΔG= negative

Therefore, the reaction is spontaneous at any temperature. Hence, answer is (iv).

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

According to the first law of thermodynamics,

ΔU= q + W    (i)

Where, ΔU = change in internal energy for a process

q = heat

W = work

Given, q = + 701 J (Since heat is absorbed)

W = -394 J (Since work is done by the system)

Substituting the values in expression (i), we get

ΔU= 701 J + (-394 J) ΔU = 307 J

Hence, the change in internal energy for the given process is 307 J.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

Enthalpy change for a reaction (ΔH) is given by the expression,

ΔH = ΔU + ΔngRT

Where, ΔU = change in internal energy

Δng = change in number of moles

For the given reaction,

Δng = \sum  ng (products) - \sum  ng (reactants)

= (2 - 1.5) moles

Δng = 0.5 moles


ΔU = -742.7 kJ mol-1

T = 298 K

R = 8.314 x 10-3 kJ mol-1 K-1

Substituting the values in the expression of ΔH:

ΔH = (-742.7 kJ mol-1) + (0.5 mol) (298 K) (8.314 x 10-3 kJ mol-1 K-1)

= -742.7 + 1.2

ΔH = -741.5 kJ mol-1

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

From the expression of heat (q),

q = m. c. ΔT


c = molar heat capacity

m = mass of substance

ΔT = change in temperature

Substituting the values in the expression of q:

q = (60/27 mol) (24 Jmol–1 K–1) (20K)

q = 1066.7 J

q = 1.07 kJ

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

Total enthalpy change involved in the transformation is the sum of the following changes:

(a) Energy change involved in the transformation of 1 mol of water at 10°C to 1 mol of water at 0°C.

(b) Energy change involved in the transformation of 1 mol of water at 0° to 1 mol of ice at 0°C.

(c) Energy change involved in the transformation of 1 mol of ice at 0°C to 1 mol of ice at -10°C.

Total ΔH = Cp [H2OCI] ΔT  + ΔHfreezing + Cp[H2O(s)] ΔH

= (75.3 J mol-1 K-1) (0 - 10)K + (-6.03 × 103 J mol-1) + (36.8 J mol-1 K-1) (-10 - 0)K

= -753 J mol-1 - 6030 J mol-1 - 368 J mol-1

= -7151 J mol-1

= -7.151 kJ mol-1

Hence, the enthalpy change involved in the transformation is -7.151 kJ mol-1.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

Formation of CO2 from carbon and dioxygen gas can be represented as:

C(s) + O2(g)  → CO2(g)           ΔfH = -393.5 kJ mol-1

(1 mole = 44 g)

Heat released on formation of 44g CO= -393.5 kJ mol-1

\therefore Heat released on formation of 35.2 g CO2

= [ -393.5kJ mol-1  /  44g  ]  x  35.2g

= -314.8 kJ mol-1

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

ΔrH for a reaction is defined as the difference between ΔfH value of products and ΔfH value of reactants.

ΔrH = \sum  ΔfH (products) - \sum  ΔfH (reactants)

For the given reaction,

N2O4(g)+ 3CO(g)  →  N2O(g) + 3CO2(g)

ΔrH = [{ΔfH (N2O) + 3ΔfH(CO2)}  -  {ΔfH(N2O4) + 3ΔfH(CO)}]

Substituting the values of ΔfH for N2O, CO2, N2O4,and CO from the question, we get:

ΔrH = [{81 KJ mol-1 + 3(-393) KJ mol-1} - {9.7KJ mol-1 + 3(-110)KJ mol-1}]

ΔrH = -777.7 KJ mol-1

Hence, the value of ΔrH for the reaction is -777.7 KJ mol-1.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

Standard enthalpy of formation of a compound is the change in enthalpy that takes place during the formation of 1 mole of a substance in its standard form from its constituent elements in their standard state.

Re-writing the given equation for 1 mole of NH3(g),

½ N2(g) + 3/2 H2(g) → NH3(g)

\therefore Standard enthalpy of formation of NH3(g)

= ½ ΔrHθ

= ½ (-92.4 kJ mol-1)

= - 46.2 kJ mol-1

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

The reaction that takes place during the formation of CH3OH(l) can be written as:

C(s) + 2H2O(g) + ½O2(g)  → CH3OH(l)     (1)

The reaction (1) can be obtained from the given reactions by following the algebraic calculations as:

Equation (ii) + 2 × equation (iii) - equation (i)

ΔfHθ [CH3OH(l)]  =  ΔcHθ  +  2ΔfHθ [H2O(l)]  - ΔrHθ

= (-393 kJ mol-1) + 2 (-286 kJ mol-1) - (-726 kJ mol-1)

= (-393 - 572 + 726) kJ mol-1

\therefore ΔfHθ[CH3OH(l)]

= -239 kJ mol-1

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

The chemical equations implying to the given values of enthalpies are:

(i) CCl4(l)    →    CCL4(g)      ΔvapHθ = 30.5 kJ mol-1

(ii) C(s)    →   C(g)               ΔaHθ = 715.0 kJ mol-1

(iii) Cl2(g)  →   2Cl(g)          ΔaHθ = 242 kJ mol-1

(iv) C(g)  + 4Cl(g)  →  CCl4(g)  ΔfH = -135.5 kJ mol-1

Enthalpy change for the given process  C(g)  + 4Cl(g)  →  CCl4(g)   can be calculated using the following algebraic calculations as:

Equation (ii) + 2 × Equation (iii) - Equation (i) - Equation (iv)

ΔH = ΔaHθ(C)  +  2ΔaHθ (Cl2) -  ΔvapHθ - ΔfH

= (715.0 kJ mol-1) + 2(242 kJ mol-1) - (30.5 kJ mol-1) - (-135.5 kJ mol-1)

∴ΔH = 1304 kJ mol-1

Bond enthalpy of C-Cl bond in CCl4(g) = 326 kJ mol-1

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

ΔS will be positive i.e., greater than zero

Since ΔU= 0, ΔS will be positive and the reaction will be spontaneous.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

From the expression,


Assuming the reaction at equilibrium, ΔTfor the reaction would be:

T = (ΔH - ΔG) ΔS

T = ΔH ΔS  (ΔG = 0 at equilibrium)

= 400 kJ mol-1 /  0.2 kJ K-1mol-1

T= 2000 K

For the reaction to be spontaneous, ΔG must be negative. Hence, for the given reaction to be spontaneous, T should be greater than 2000 K.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

ΔH and ΔS are negative The given reaction represents the formation of chlorine molecule from chlorine atoms. Here, bond formation is taking place. Therefore, energy is being released. Hence, ΔH is negative.

Also, two moles of atoms have more randomness than one mole of a molecule. Since spontaneity is decreased, ΔS is negative for the given reaction.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

For the given reaction,

2 A(g) + B(g) → 2D(g)

Δng = 2 - (3) = -1 mole

Substituting the value of ΔU0¸ in the expression of ΔH:

ΔHº  = ΔUº + ΔngRT

= (-10.5 kJ) - (-1) (8.314 x 10-3 kJ K-1 mol-1) (298 K)

= -10.5 kJ - 2.48 kJ

ΔHº  =  -8.02 kJ

Substituting the values of ΔHº and ΔSº¸ in the expression of ΔH:

ΔGº  =  ΔHº  - TΔSº

= -8.-02 kJ - (298 K) (-44.1 J K-1)

= -8.02 kJ + 13.14 kJ

ΔGº = + 5.12 kJ

Since ΔGº for the reaction is positive, the reaction will not occur spontaneously.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

From the expression, ΔG= -2.303 RTlogKeq

ΔGfor the reaction,

= (2.303) (8.314 JK-1mol-1) (300 K) log10

= -5744.14 Jmol-1

= -5.744 kJ mol-1

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

The positive value of ΔrH indicates that heat is absorbed during the formation of NO(g). This means that NO(g) has higher energy than the reactants (N2 and O2). Hence, NO(g) is unstable. The negative value of ΔrH indicates that heat is evolved during the formation of NO2(g) from NO(g) and O2(g). The product, NO2(g) is stabilized with minimum energy. Hence, unstable NO(g) changes to stable NO2(g).

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 191 )

It is given that 286 kJ mol-1of heat is evolved on the formation of 1 mol of H2O(l). Thus, an equal amount of heat will be absorbed by the surroundings.

qsurr = +286 kJ mol-1

Entropy change (ΔSsurr) for the surroundings =  qsurr / 7

= 286 kJ mol-1  / 298k

\therefore  ΔSsurr = 959.73 J mol-1K-1