chemical-kineticsWHERE cd.courseId=3 AND cd.subId=9 AND chapterSlug='chemical-kinetics' and status=1SELECT ex_no,page_number,question,question_no,id,chapter,solution FROM question_mgmt as q WHERE courseId='3' AND subId='9' AND chapterId='59' AND ex_no!=0 AND status=1 ORDER BY ex_no,CAST(question_no AS UNSIGNED) CBSE Class 12 Free NCERT Book Solution for Chemistry

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Chapter 4 : Chemical Kinetics

Chemical kinetics is that branch of chemistry which deals with the study of the rate of chemical reaction. In this chapter, you will be dealing with the average and instantaneous rate of reaction, the factors such as temperature, pressure, concentration and catalyst which affect the rate of reactions. Differences between elementary and complex reactions are also given. Differences between molecularity and order of a reaction are also given. Description of collision theory and derivation of integrated rate of equations for the zero and first order reactions along- with determination of its rate constants.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 116 )

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 116 )

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 116 )

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 116 )

The order of reaction is defined as the sum of the powers of concentrations In the rate law.

The rate of second order reaction can be expressed as     rate = k [A]2

The reaction X → Y follows second order kinetics.

Therefore, the rate equation for this reaction will be:

Rate = [X]2                                                    ________________________   (1)

Let [X] = a mol L-1 , then equation (1) can be written as:

Rate = k [a]2


If the concentration of X is increased to three times, then [X] = 3a mol L-1

Now, the rate equation will be:

Rate = k [3a]2

= 9 (ka2)

Hence, the rate of formation will increase by 9 times.

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 116 )

From the question, we can write down the following information:

Initial amount = 5 g

Final concentration = 3 g

Rate constant = 1.15 10 - 3s - 1

We know that for a 1st order reaction,

= 444.38 s

= 444 s (approx)

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 116 )

We know that for a 1st order reaction,

t½  = 0.693 / k

It is given that t1/2= 60 min

k = 0.693 / t½ 

  = 0.693 / 60

  = 0.01155 min-1

   = 1.155 min-1


k = 1.925 x 10-2 s-1

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 116 )

The rate constant of a reaction is nearly doubled with a 10° rise in temperature. However, the exact dependence of the rate of a chemical reaction on temperature is given by Arrhenius equation,

k = Ae - Ea / RT


A is the Arrhenius factor or the frequency factor

T is the temperature

R is the gas constant

Ea is the activation energy

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 116 )

It is given that T1 = 298 K

∴T2 = (298 + 10) K

= 308 K

We also know that the rate of the reaction doubles when temperature is increased by 10°.

Therefore, let us take the value of k1 = k and that of k2 = 2k

Also, R = 8.314 J K - 1 mol - 1

Now, substituting these values in the equation:

= 52897.78 J mol - 1

= 52.9 kJ mol - 1

Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 116 )

In the given case:

Ea = 209.5 kJ mol - 1 = 209500 J mol - 1

T = 581 K

R = 8.314 JK - 1 mol - 1

Now, the fraction of molecules of reactants having energy equal to or greater than activation energy is given as


Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

(i) Given rate = [NO]2

Therefore, order of the reaction = 2

Dimension of k = Rate / [NO]2

= mol L-1 s-1 / (mol L-1)2

= mol L-1 s-1 / mol2 L-2

= L mol-1 s-1


(ii) Given rate = [H2O2][I - ]

Therefore, order of the reaction = 2

Dimension of k = Rate  / [H2O2][I - ]

= mol L-1 s-1  / (mol L-1) (mol L-1)

= L mol-1 s-1


(iii) Given rate =k [CH3CHO]3/2

Therefore, order of reaction = 3/2

Dimension of k = Rate / [CH3CHO]3/2

=  mol L-1 s-1   / (mol L-1)3/2

= mol L-1 s-1   / mol3/2  L-3/2

= L½ mol-½  s-1


(iv) Given rate = k [C2H5Cl]

Therefore,order of the reaction = 1

Dimension of k = Rate /  [C2H5Cl]

= mol L-1 s-1   / mol L-1

= s-1

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

The initial rate of the reaction is

Rate = k [A][B]2

= (2.0 × 10 - 6mol - 2L2s - 1) (0.1 mol L - 1) (0.2 mol L - 1)2

= 8.0 × 10 - 9mol - 2L2s - 1

When [A] is reduced from 0.1 mol L - 1to 0.06 mol - 1, the concentration of A reacted = (0.1 - 0.06) mol L - 1 = 0.04 mol L - 1

Therefore, concentration of B reacted= 1/2 x 0.04 mol L-1 = 0.02 mol L - 1

Then, concentration of B available, [B] = (0.2 - 0.02) mol L - 1

= 0.18 mol L - 1

After [A] is reduced to 0.06 mol L - 1, the rate of the reaction is given by,

Rate = k [A][B]2

= (2.0 × 10 - 6mol - 2L2s - 1) (0.06 mol L - 1) (0.18 mol L - 1)2

= 3.89 mol L - 1s - 1

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

The decomposition of NH3on platinum surface is represented by the following equation.

= 7.5 × 10 - 4mol L - 1s - 1

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

The factors that affect the rate of a reaction areas follows.

(i) Concentration of reactants (pressure in case of gases)

(ii) Temperature

(iii) Presence of a catalyst

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

Let the concentration of the reactant be [A] = a

Rate of reaction, R = k [A]2 = ka2


(i) If the concentration of the reactant is doubled, i.e. [A] = 2a, then the rate of the reaction would be

R = k(2a)2

= 4ka2

= 4 R

Therefore, the rate of the reaction would increase by 4 times.


(ii) If the concentration of the reactant is reduced to half, i.e. [A] = 1/2 a, then the rate of the reaction would be

R = k(1/2a)2

= 1/4 Ka2

= 1/4 R

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

The rate constant is nearly doubled with a rise in temperature by 10° for a chemical reaction.

The temperature effect on the rate constant can be represented quantitatively by Arrhenius equation,

K = Ae -Ea / RT

where, kis the rate constant,

A is the Arrhenius factor or the frequency factor,

R is the gas constant,

T is the temperature, and

Ea is the energy of activation for the reaction

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

(i) Average rate of reaction between the time interval, 30 to 60 seconds, = d[ester] / dt

= (0.31-0.17) / (60-30)

= 0.14 / 30

= 4.67 × 10 - 3mol L - 1s - 1


(ii) For a pseudo first order reaction,

k = 2.303/ t log [R]º / [R]

For t= 30 s, k1 = 2.303/ 30 log 0.55 / 0.31

= 1.911 × 10 - 2s - 1

For t = 60 s, k2 = 2.303/ 60 log 0.55 / 0.17

= 1.957 × 10 - 2s - 1

For t= 90 s, k3 = 2.303/ 90 log 0.55 / 0.085

= 2.075 × 10 - 2s - 1

Then, average rate constant, k = k1 + k2+ k/ 3

= 1.911 × 10 - 2  + 1.957 × 10 - 2 + 2.075 × 10 - 2 / 3

= 1.981 x 10-2 s - 1

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

Let the order of the reaction with respect to A be xand with respect to B be y.


= 1.496

= 1.5 (approximately)

Hence, the order of the reaction with respect to A is 1.5 and with respect to B is zero.

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

The given reaction is of the first order with respect to A and of zero order with respect to B.

Therefore, the rate of the reaction is given by,

Rate = k [A]1[B]0

⇒ Rate = k [A]

From experiment I, we obtain

2.0 x 10-2mol L-1min-1= k (0.1 mol L-1)

= 0.2 min-1

From experiment II, we obtain

4.0 x 10-2mol L-1min-1= 0.2 min-1[A]

⇒ [A] = 0.2 mol L-1

From experiment III, we obtain

Rate = 0.2 min-1 x 0.4 mol L-1

= 0.08 mol L-1min-1

From experiment IV, we obtain

2.0 x 10-2mol L-1min-1= 0.2 min-1[A]

⇒ [A] = 0.1 mol L-1

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

(i) Half life, t½ = 0.693 / k

= 0.693 / 200 s-1

= 3.47 ×10 -3 s (approximately)


(ii) Half life, t½ = 0.693 / k

= 0.693 / 2 min-1

= 0.35 min (approximately)


(iii) Half life,t½ = 0.693 / k

= 0.693 / 4 years-1

= 0.173 years (approximately)

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )


K = 0.693 / t½

= 0.693 / 5730 years-1

It is known that,

= 1845 years (approximately)

Hence, the age of the sample is 1845 years.

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )



(ii) Time corresponding to the concentration, 1630x102 / 2 mol L-1 = 81.5 mol L-1 is the half life. From the graph, the half life is obtained as 1450 s.



t/s 102 × [N2O5]  mol L-1 Log [N2O5]
0 1.63 -1.79
400 1.36 -1.87
800 1.14 -1.94
1200 0.93 -2.03
1600 0.78 -2.11
2000 0.64 -2.19
2400 0.53 -2.28
2800 0.43 -2.37
3200 0.35 -2.46


(iv) The given reaction is of the first order as the plot, log[N2O5]   v/s t, is a straight line. Therefore, the rate law of the reaction is

Rate = k [N2O5]


(v) From the plot,  log[N2O5]

v/s t, we obtain

Slope = -2.46 -(1.79) / 3200-0

= -0.67 / 3200

Again, slope of the line of the plot log[N2O5] v/s t is given by

- k / 2.303

.Therefore, we obtain,

- k / 2.303  = - 0.67 / 3200

⇒ k = 4.82 x 10-4 s-1


(vi) half life is given by,

t½ = 0.693 / k

= 0.639 / 4.82x10-4 s

=1.438 x 103 s

Or we can say

1438 S

Which is very near to what we obtain from graph.




Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

For a first order reaction, the time required for 99% completionis

t1 = 2.303/k Log 100/100-99

= 2.303/k Log 100

= 2x 2.303/k

For a first order reaction, the time required for 90% completion is

t2 = 2.303/k Log 100/100-90

= 2.303/k Log 10

= 2.303/k

Therefore, t1 = 2t2

Hence, the time required for 99% completion of a first order reaction is twice the time required for the completion of 90% of the reaction.

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

For a first order reaction,

t = 2.303/k Log [R] º / [R]

k = 2.303/40min  Log 100 / 100-30

= 2.303/40min  Log 10 / 7

= 8.918 x 10-3 min-1

Therefore, t1/2 of the decomposition reaction is

t1/2 = 0.693/k

0.693 / 8.918 x 10-3  min

= 77.7 min (approximately)

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

The decomposition of azoisopropane to hexane and nitrogen at 543 K is represented by the following equation.

After time, t, total pressure, Pt = (Pº - p) + p + p

⇒ Pt = (Pº + p)

p = P - Pº

therefore, Pº - p = Pº  - P - Pº

= 2 Pº -  Pt

For a first order reaction,

k = 2.303/ Log  Pº / Pº  - p

=   2.303/ Log  Pº / 2 Pº  -  Pt

When t = 360 s, k = 2.303 / 360s log 35.0 / 2x35.0 - 54.0

= 2.175 × 10 - 3 s - 1

When t = 720 s, k = 2.303 / 720s log 35.0 / 2x35.0 - 63.0

= 2.235 × 10 - 3 s - 1

Hence, the average value of rate constant is

k = (2.175 × 10 - 3  + 2.235 × 10 - 3 ) / 2   s - 1

= 2.21 × 10 - 3 s - 1

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

The thermal decomposition of SO2Cl2at a constant volume is represented by the following equation.

After time, t, total pressure,Pt = (Pº - p) + p + p

⇒ Pt = (Pº + p)

p = P - Pº

therefore, Pº - p = Pº  - P - Pº

= 2 Pº -  Pt

For a first order reaction,

k = 2.303/ Log  Pº / Pº  - p

=   2.303/ Log  Pº / 2 Pº  -  Pt


When t= 100 s,

k = 2.303 / 100s log 0.5 / 2x0.5 - 0.6

= 2.231 × 10 - 3s - 1


When Pt= 0.65 atm,

P0+ p= 0.65

⇒ p= 0.65 - P0

= 0.65 - 0.5

= 0.15 atm

Therefore, when the total pressure is 0.65 atm, pressure of SOCl2 is

pSOCL2 = P0 - p

= 0.5 - 0.15

= 0.35 atm

Therefore, the rate of equation, when total pressure is 0.65 atm, is given by,

Rate = k(pSOCL2)

= (2.23 × 10 - 3s - 1) (0.35 atm)

= 7.8 × 10 - 4atm s - 1

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

From the given data, we obtain

T/°C 0 20 40 60 80


273 293 313 333 353
1/T / k-1

3.66×10 - 3

3.41×10 - 3

3.19×10 - 3

3.0×10 - 3

2.83 ×10 - 3

105 X K /S-1 0.0787 1.70 25.7 178 2140
In k -7.147 -4.075 -1.359 -0.577 3.063

Slope of the line,

In k= - 2.8

Therefore, k = 6.08x10-2s-1

Again when T = 50 + 273K = 323K,

1/T = 3.1 x 10-3 K

In k = - 0.5

Therefore, k = 0.607 s-1


Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

k= 2.418 × 10-5 s-1 

T= 546 K

Ea= 179.9 kJ mol - 1 = 179.9 × 103J mol - 1

According to the Arrhenius equation,

= (0.3835 - 5) + 17.2082

= 12.5917

Therefore, A = antilog (12.5917)

= 3.9 × 1012 s - 1(approximately)

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

k= 2.0 × 110-2 s-1

T= 100 s

[A]o= 1.0 moL - 1

Since the unit of kis s - 1, the given reaction is a first order reaction.

Therefore, k = 2.303/t  Log  [A]º / [A]

⇒2.0 × 110-2 s-1  = 2.303/100s  Log  1.0 / [A]

⇒2.0 × 110-2 s-1  = 2.303/100s  ( - Log [A] )

⇒ - Log [A] = -  (2.0 x 10-2 x 100)  2.303

⇒ [A] = antilog [-  (2.0 x 10-2 x 100)  2.303]

= 0.135 mol L - 1 (approximately)

Hence, the remaining concentration of A is 0.135 mol L - 1.

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

For a first order reaction,

k = 2.303/t  Log  [R]º / [R]

It is given that, t1/2 = 3.00 hours

Therefore, k = 0.693 / t1/2

= 0.693 / 3  h-1

= 0.231 h - 1

Then, 0.231 h - 1 = 2.303 / 8h  Log  [R]º / [R]

Hence, the fraction of sample of sucrose that remains after 8 hours is 0.158.

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

The given equation is

k = (4.5 x 1011 s-1) e-28000 K/T           (i)

Arrhenius equation is given by,

k= Ae -Ea/RT                                                (ii)

From equation (i) and (ii), we obtain

E/ RT  =  28000K / T

⇒ E= R x 28000K 

= 8.314 J K - 1mol - 1× 28000 K

= 232792 J mol - 1

= 232.792 kJ mol - 1

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

Arrhenius equation is given by,

k= Ae -Ea/RT  

⇒In k = In A - Ea/RT

⇒In k = Log A - Ea/RT

⇒ Log k = Log A - Ea/2.303RT         (i)

The given equation is

Log k = 14.34 - 1.25 104 K/T             (ii)

From equation (i) and (ii), we obtain

Ea/2.303RT  = 1.25 104 K/T  

⇒ E=1.25 × 104K × 2.303 × R

= 1.25 × 104K × 2.303 × 8.314 J K - 1mol - 1

= 239339.3 J mol - 1 (approximately)

= 239.34 kJ mol - 1


Also, when t1/2= 256 minutes,

k = 0.693 / t1/2

= 0.693 / 256

= 2.707 × 10 - 3 min - 1

= 4.51 × 10 - 5s - 1

It is also given that, log k= 14.34 - 1.25 × 104K/T

= 668.95 K

= 669 K (approximately)

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

From Arrhenius equation, we obtain

log k2/k1 = Ea / 2.303 R (T2 - T1) / T1T2

Also, k1 = 4.5 × 103 s - 1

T1 = 273 + 10 = 283 K

k2 = 1.5 × 104 s - 1

Ea = 60 kJ mol - 1 = 6.0 × 104 J mol - 1


= 297 K = 24°C

Hence, k would be 1.5 × 104 s - 1 at 24°C.

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )

For a first order reaction,

t = 2.303 / k log/ a - x

At 298 K,

t = 2.303 / k log 100  / 90

= 0.1054 / k

At 308 K,

t' = 2.303 / k' log 100  / 75

= 2.2877 / k'

According to the question,

t = t'

0.1054 / k  =  2.2877 / k'

⇒ k' k  = 2.7296

From Arrhenius equation,we obtain

 To calculate k at 318 K,

It is given that, A = 4 x 1010 s-1, T = 318K

Again, from Arrhenius equation, we obtain

Therefore, k = Antilog (-1.9855)

= 1.034 x 10-2 s -1


Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 120 )