Air contains 21% of oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 0.03% carbon dioxide other gases like argon, dust particles, water vapours present in 0.01% quantity. Oxygen gas is very necessary for the respiration of organisms. Oxygen helps in burning; nitrogen gas is present in the large amount but it cannot help in burning process.
Oxygen gas is essential for the respiration in the environment or atmosphere. In respiration, oxidation of food is involved. We inhale oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. If there is no oxygen, there will be no life on the Earth.
Air supports burning. This can be proved by an experiment.
This shows that air supports burning process.
Vacuum is a place where air is absent.
A lump of cotton wool shrink in water because cotton wool absorbs water and due to absorption of water the air inside the cotton wool is driven out by water. That’s why cotton wool shrinks in water.
Air is dissolved in water and this can be showed by an experiment.
This proves that air dissolves in water.
Atmosphere may be defined as the layer of gases which contains oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and many other gases; dust particles and water vapours that are present around earth.
Carbon dioxide
Green plant use carbon dioxide to prepare food for their own, which they get from the environment. Human beings exhales carbon dioxide and which is then is used by plants.
The activities which are possible due to the presence of air.
Animals breaths out carbon dioxide. This carbon dioxide can be used by plants to prepare their food, this process is called photosynthesis which makes the balance on earth. Animals and plants by exchange of gases help each other to survive.