(a) Garbage is of two types: biodegradable and non- biodegradable.
The garbage can be decompose by microorganisms are called biodegradable waste like banana peel, paper, vegetable waste etc. On the other hand, the garbage that cannot be decomposed by microorganisms are called non- biodegradable waste. For example: plastic etc. plastic, bottles, broken bangles are some of the example of non – biodegradable waste which cannot be converted into compost by earthworms.
(b) Yes, there are many other organisms beside earthworms like beetles, bugs, spiders etc. which decompose the organic waste to compost and clean the environment.
(b) Packaging could be reduced in clothing, toys and shoes because sometimes packaging of some materials are heavy according to the requirements of packing of items. So, it can be reduced. We can simply use paper bags instead of using plastic bags.
(c) Packaging increases the amount of garbage. We use packing materials as to wrap gifts, clothes, shoes, vegetables and many more examples are there. After using the item we just throw that wrapped papers in the dustbin; after this which is no use. If we are shifting somewhere then we pack our whole crockery, clothes and other things in the plastic bags and after using we just throw them. So, here we can see that the amount of garbage increases due to packing. We should avoid this as far as possible.
Yes, it is excellent to use compost at the place of chemical fertilizers because compost is made up by natural decomposition of garbage in environment. It keeps the soil strong and healthy. Compost increases the soil fertility and water retaining capacity of the soil.