Components of Food Question Answers: NCERT Class 6 Science

Exercise 1

Carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, dietary fibers and water are the major nutrients that are present in our food. Carbohydrates and fats are also called the energy bank of our body. Vitamins helps us to protect the body against diseases. The growth and maintenance of the body is done by the proteins.


(a) Carbohydrates and fats

These are the two main nutrients which provides the energy to our body. These nutrients mainly found in potato, ghee, milk, sugarcane etc.

(b) Protein

Protein is the main nutrient which helps in growth and maintenance of tissues and cells of our body. For example: milk, cheese, fish etc.

(c) Vitamin A

Vitamins protect our body against diseases and is also responsible for good eye sight. Due to the deficiency of this vitamin, people may suffer from loss of his vision. It is commonly found in green leafy vegetables, milk, fish etc. which keeps our skin and eye sight healthy.

(d) Calcium

Calcium keeps teeth and bones strong. Due to the deficiency of calcium bones become too weak and tooth decay can also occurs. To keep teeth and bones strong we should eat milk, egg, soyabean etc.


Name two foods rich in:

  1. Fats: Groundnut, cheese, milk, butter and oily food contains fat. Fats are also the source of energy and which makes our skin soft and shiny.
  2. Starch: Rice, wheat, potato, maize etc. Rice is the main source of starch. As like fats, starch is also the source of energy. Its deficiency makes the body weak and feeble.
  3. Dietary fibres: Potato, pulses, wheat grains, fresh fruits etc. dietary fibres do not give any nutrition to our body but they help to remove the undigested food from the body.
  4. Protein: Milk, cheese, egg, fish, curd etc. are the protein rich food which give our body a balanced amount of protein for the growth and maintenance of our body.  


(a) False                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Because rice is rich in carbohydrate, but our body needs protein, fats, minerals, dietary fibres and water also. So rice alone cannot fulfill the nutritional requirement of our body.

(b) True                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            In the balanced diet all nutrients are present in an appropriate amount. According to the body needs, deficiency disease can be prevented by eating a balanced diet.

(c) True                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Because different kind of nutrients present in different kind of food. So, a balanced diet for the body should contain a variety of food items.

(d) True                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yes, it is so because our body needs carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water also. But in meat all these nutrients are not present. So to fulfill the deficiency of other nutrients, we have to add different kind of food items in our diet.


(a) Rickets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The source of vitamin D is sunlight. If the deficiency of vitamin D occurs, then our bones become tilted.

(b) Deficiency, Vitamin B1                                                                                                                                                                                                    Papaya, carrot, mango are the sources of vitamin B1. Due of deficiency of this vitamin, muscles becomes weak.

(c) Scurvy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Vitamin C generally found in sour food materials like orange, lemon, tomato etc. Due to deficiency of vitamin C, bleeding gums problems can occur.

(d) Vitamin A                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Vitamin A is commonly found in green leafy vegetables, milk, fish etc. which keeps our skin and eye sight healthy. Due to its deficiency our eye sight becomes poor and sometimes complete loss of vision occur.